Boston Mini Maker Faire

The first Boston Mini Maker Faire is happening on Saturday April 24 from 12-4pm. Come and meet some Boston Area makers sharing and demoing their projects as part of the Cambridge Science Festival. I’ll be there with some of the weekend projects that I share on this blog.

I first found out about the faire through Dorkbot Boston and am so excited that there is going to be an event so close to me. Though I am going to be flying out to San Francisco next month for the big Bay Area Maker Faire, I am going as a spectator and not demoing, so it’s nice to have the opportunity involved in one of these events as a participant. This will definitely be less overwhelming than two full days of makers!

I’ll be bringing my LED Jellies, Temperature Sensing Coffee/Tea Sleeve, and my Drawdio Puppet along with me if anyone local wants to stop by and play with them. I just placed an order for some parts for the light up necklace I was working on last week, so that might make it into the mix as well.